Not much happening these days.
As far as the new house goes, contracts are signed, but we had to make one last change with the architect, so that delayed things for a couple of weeks. Just got that all squared away and are waiting on an appraisal of the final plans and then weather permitting, they can finally start building.
With that said, there should be a HUGE snow storm on the way with sub zero temps!! Haha!
Sophia is doing great in school. She's really involved with the Odyssey of the Mind team and the Ecology Club and both girls are still going to the Little Gym. Getting ready to go into her classroom next Friday to teach the kids about Chinese New Year and give them some cool stuff! Alena always comes too, so we talk about our trip to China and her province as well.
Soph has really matured and I find it rather frightening. LOL We share the same shoe size and she even wears some of my shirts now! Time to put a lock on my closet!!
Alena is something else. As I was getting ready to walk her upstairs to bed one night, she heard my mom drop something and ran back to get it for her. While putting her to bed, I was telling her how nice that was of her and she replied, "Yeah, I'm Nan's Super Hero." LOL
Two nights ago she was trying to watch Dora and I was making noise carrying boxes to the basement. With her hand on her little hip, she looked at me and said, "You are driving me crazy."!! My eyes got huge and I cracked up!! Mom said, "I wonder where she's heard that before?" I have NO idea...
The other night, she was being "somewhat defiant" about putting her jammies on Fred told her that she better "straighten up". Without a word, she turned around and started heading down the stairs. I'm yelling, "No, Alena. It's time for bed!" and Fred followed her down and into the playroom where she started "straightening up" her toys!! Hahaha!!!! It was so cute, it brought tears to my eyes.
My best friend, Denise, had her beautiful baby boy, Caiden two weeks ago. The little bugger is so cute.
Every January, I go through a period where I miss China like crazy, want to go back to visit, want to adopt again, etc. and then eventually I get through it. This year it's been nice to have him to grab a hold of. =]
Fred and I got away to NYC for the day last weekend and attended the motorcycle show. I think I found the perfect gift for my 40th birthday...