Friday, May 09, 2008

Decision, decisions, decisions...

Met with the on-site coordinator this morning for two hours to pick everything for the new house! My head was spinning. Just when I thought I had picked the right tile, I would change my mind on cabinetry. Then I would get settled on the cabinet and I would get thrown off with the hardwood floors. Let's not talk about the carpeting choices!! I have seen 5oo shades of every color!
Denise came along to entertain Alena and thank God she did. Every time I couldn't make up my mind, I just yelled, "Can you come here?"!!
The siding, shutters and shingles were the easiest part!
I know it can all be replaced, but I know I am going to be looking at these selections for quite some time!!!
So, as I sit here, the carpeting samples sit next to me begging to be chosen!!
Wish me luck. :)


Cindy said...

That is a very tough decision, but can be fun too! Good Luck!

Bella's Mommy said...

Good luck on making such tough decisions!!!

I have enough trouble with decorating one room at a time. I can't imagine having to do a whole house at once!


Lisa said...

It is a hard decision! Have you decided yet?

Good luck!


B-squared said...

Good luck! Probably even harder to choose when all the samples are like, 1/1000th of the size they'll be once installed! :-) My baby sister just moved into her new house and all the agonizing choices were worth it - so she says. ;-)
Have fun!

No Hands But Ours

No Hands But Ours

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence."

- Helen Keller

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